Naturally intuitive since childhood, I have been aware of my clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant abilities for many years.
My heightened connection with the spirit world came about through a near-death experience and bereavement which led me to pursue my spiritual path initially attending a spiritualist church where my spiritual mediumship development began. I then went on to study spiritual philosophy and attained full member of the Spiritualists' National Union.
My psychic mediumship development ensued at The College of Psychic Studies as well as the SAGB and The Arthur Findlay College.
I have a corporate and business background and hold an MBA Masters Degree, Certified Diplomas in Marketing, Accounting and Finance as well as Corporate Finance qualifications. Following a successful career in the banking and finance sector in the City, I continue to manage my own property business as well as other entrepreneurial interests. I hold diplomas in holistic and aesthetic therapies and have founded wellness enterprises.
I am a certified Stress Management Practitioner and a certified Clinical (Ericksonian) Hypnosis Practitioner specialising in the corporate sector. I hold a Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) registration. I also hold Professional Certification in NLP coaching as well as certificates in counselling skills and Feng Shui and incorporate these modalities in my work. I am also a volunteer practitioner for Anxiety UK.
My special interests include psychology, parapsychology, spiritual philosophy and holistic healing.
I am a psychic medium who communicates with the spirit world to provide evidential details that can be proof of survival to the sitter. My focus is on portraying the essence of loved ones in spirit and relaying their beneficial messages with empathy to provide upliftment and insights which may help relieve the pain of bereavement and provide life path direction.
I also attune to the sitter's auric field and give insightful guidance and philosophical meaning pertinent to the sitter's circumstances which may be empowering and may help in navigating life's choices and possibilities to optimise true potential and facilitate change.
A combination of optional modalities may be used during the consultation including:
Tarot and Psychometry (the sitter may bring along a small personal object).
Book a consultation
Anastasia DeQuincy offers private consultations through the College.