Gifted since childhood, Claire started training in mediumship aged 21. Having honed her skills and talent, Claire now dedicates her time to helping others heal emotionally following bereavement, as well as assisting fellow truth seekers to expand their awareness.
Claire began communicating with her spirit guide, White Feather, in her teenage years and benefited from the wisdom shared. Their relationship developed and Claire has been able to gain fantastic insight not only into the reality of an afterlife, but about the eternal soul and soul connections too.
As an accredited professional medium and bestselling author, Claire has found herself in the privileged position to be passing on thousands of loving messages from the spirit world, to people across our world. A pattern emerged which highlighted to Claire, the incredible power of pure soul love and it's difference from the conditional love so many of us experience in a lifetime.
In 2019, White Feather, along with a team of spirit teachers, lead Claire on from purely evidence-based mediumship into the areas of soul healing and soul connection. The aim – to help others gain greater understanding of the eternal nature of their own soul, as well as how to suffer less and love more in soul connection - even when physically separated from those we love.
Claire's books, Answers from Heaven and What the Dead are Dying to Teach Us, have reached the best-seller lists. She has also been featured in Soul & Spirit, Psychic News and on BBC Radio 5. Claire facilitates mediumship training for all levels at the College.
Find out more about Claire's work at her website, or find her on Facebook at Claire Broad - Medium and Author (links open in a new window).
Advanced Mediumship
Claire Broad
This in-person workshop, for intermediate & advanced students, teaches advanced mediumship techniques and wider aspects of spirit communication.
Power Up the Connection to Your Spirit Guides
Claire Broad
Open to all
In this in-person workshop, you'll get to know your spirit guides to receive their loyal support.