Felicity has been reading hands for 30 years helping people understand their emotional patterns, creativity, personality and health.
She became fascinated by hand reading after visiting a palmist in her early twenties and, shortly afterwards, was fortunate to meet an inspiring and very knowledgeable teacher who fuelled her enthusiasm. Within a few years, she had collected hundreds of handprints, deepening her understanding of how hands represent a person's consciousness with each person she read for.
Since then, hand analysis has entwinned with her life as she has progressed though different careers, motherhood and school life. Hand reading has helped her to understand herself, her reactions to life events and has informed each positive step. For Felicity, hand reading is not just a skill but a spiritual path rooted in a non-dual understanding of consciousness. Living in harmony with what her own hands tell her about herself has been a hugely important part of her practice. Her vision is to help others, through reading hands, to take positive steps towards integrated health and well-being.
In Felicity's own words, "Your hands are a map of your consciousness and a hand reading with me will reveal all the things that make you unique and wonderful. A reading can give you confidence by confirming and expanding what you know of your innate talents so you can make informed choices in life. It can give you a new perspective on past trauma, enlighten your relationships and lead to greater self-understanding. Learning to accept, trust and love ourselves is one of the hardest life lessons. Anything that can help you is useful, and a hand reading can be very useful. Some palmists try to predict the future; I do not do this as I know from looking at hands over many years that the future is up to each person to create for themselves."
Research is immensely important to Felicity and she works with a group of experienced hand readers from around the world to further develop the study of hands. She is at the cutting edge of the understanding of many hand features and regularly shares her ideas with students as well as presenting to a wider audience at conferences. She also runs introductory, intermediate and on-going study sessions in her online classroom and has a growing international community of students. Online consultations allow her to read for people all around the world but she is also a regular exhibitor at Mind-Body-Spirit fairs in the north west of England where she gives live taster readings and talks.