Psychic medium Susanna Copelli had a strong intuition from a very young age, although she was not aware of her gift until much later.
Susanna left her home in Sicily in 1981 to study English in the UK. She intended to stay for six months to improve her fluency, and then return home to Sicily where she was due to start a new job. She never did return!
Shortly after arriving in London, Susanna joined the corporate world - but her interest was always in people and their wellbeing, whether physical or emotional.
In 1990, following serious health issues, Susanna was introduced to a healer who steered her in a completely different direction. She started developing an interest in alternative therapies.
In 2008, she attended co-creator of NLP, Richard Bandler's training, and became a licensed Master Practitioner of NLP™. She went on to achieve a Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming & Coaching, Reiki Healing, TFH (Touch for Health), Past Life Regression and FLP (Future Life Progression). She was also a member of the Bereavement Support Team at the North London Hospice, where she shared her knowledge and experience of grief.
She joined The College of Psychic Studies over 10 years ago. She learned tarot with Avril Price. With mentoring from Gerrie March, she has developed and strengthened her psychic and mediumship abilities. She has learnt how to relate messages in a manner that brings love and comfort as well as guidance.
Book a consultation
Susanna Copelli offers private consultations through the College.