The Inspiration from Dreams & Visions Art Competition has been a spectacular celebration of your creative force. Since we opened the competition to submissions in July 2022, we received an INCREDIBLE response from you. Entries of all kinds of artwork, from paintings and drawings to collage, embroidery, photography and film, came flooding in from all across the world. We love every single submission, but our judges had to choose... and today we announce the winner, runner-up, judges' choices and shortlisted artists from our 2022 Inspiration from Dreams & Visions Art Competition!
Our winner
Catherine Garrigue with Dream Series: Songe d'une nuit profonde aux silences de virginité (Dream of a deep night with the silences of virginity), 2022, 65 x 50cm, blue ink on kraft coloured paper

Catherine says: "Created especially for the competition. I tried to translate as well as possible the notion that I have of the "dream" and of my peregrinations in the imagination which nourish my life. There are many faces that intertwine in the midst of birds, plants and sometimes ghostly apparitions. Everything comes together in a whirling rhythm close to vertigo. Because both dreams and visions play a subtle game of hide and seek with reality. The density of the details translates the singularity of the dream which imposes itself randomly on our unconsciousness which has become porous to all the visionary rantings.... Marvellous state in which no desired intervention intervenes in the rhythm of the images. In conclusion, in these graphic studies, I wanted to translate an eradication of any logical contingency. Traveling in the imagination as an act of his supreme freedom finally free."
Congratulations, Catherine!
Our runner-up
Carlo Keshishian with The Implacable Momentum of a Dream (continued), 2019-2020, acrylic and ink on canvas, 180cm x 180cm

Our judges' choices
Karme Yeshe with Congregation, 2022, 35cm x 50cm, acrylic on handmade Lamali paper (College Principal Gill Matini's choice)

Rebecca Freeman with Summit, 2022, acrylic paint on handmade paper (College Curator Vivienne Roberts' choice)

Lydia Assor with Pharaoh Queen, 2022, pen on paper (Henry Boxer Gallery's Henry Boxer's choice)

Katie Kesterton with Companions for the Journey, 2019, pencil, 37cm x 51cm (Jennifer Lauren Gallery's Jennifer Gilbert's choice)

Our shortlisted artists
In alphabetical order, including all shortlisted artists from which our winner, runner-up and judges' choices were selected:
Jo Allen (Cutting Times); Sophie Ansar (Gawthorpe Hall); Lydia Assor (Pharaoh Queen); Phil Baird (Standing at the Centre of the Rainbow); Paola Bay (The Essence of the Temple of your Heart); Brytanni Burtner (Untitled); Rosemary Jane Cronin (Do you hear what I hear?); Nathan Drury (Light Rainbow); Matthias Esch (My Visions); Yassica Ferrer (Outer Time); Hazel Florez (Projection); Rebecca Freeman (Summit); Nicole Frobusch (Chimera); Nathalie Frost (Time Lines); Catherine Garrigue (Dream Series - Songe d'une nuit profonde aux silences de virginité); Amy Grantham (Understanding); Olivia Hicks (The Sun's Disc); Jeff Hunter (Invisible Guests); Shafina Jaffer (Connected); Golnaz Jebelli (Shadow III); Sean Jefferson (Fixed Lucid Dreaming); Fanny Jemmely (You, my cherished, are Source(s)); Hannah Jones (Mysterious Shadow); Carlo Keshishian (The Implacable Momentum of a Dream (continued)); Katie Kesterton (Companions for the Journey); Shivani Khoshia (Your fears are my fears); C M Koseman (Cypriotic Allegory); Bea Kwan Lim (Bitter dream of a shattered vessel); Matt Marble (The Living Mirror 7: The Harp-Hand of Transfiguration); Steve Murison (A cosmic cradle for sacred seed); Daria Napierala (The Cosmic Pathfinder); Linny Nash (Microcosm becomes Macrocosm); Carrie Neiss (Lemuria Speaks); Vicky Paul (Soul Energy Portrait (JH)); Evelyne Postic (Pensées Dorées); Tal Regev (Flames in May); RivaEtAl (One G-d in Heaven and Earth); Peter Rodulfo (Inhabitants); Rikrdo Rojas (Medium); Eileen Schaer (Travelling by Crocodile); Steve Sheasby (A vision of a lion); Jane Stephens (Finding); Holly Trinkwon (Genii Cucullati); Lesley Wolstenholme (Picking Flowers); Masako Yamamoto (Hair Ornament: Thoughts and Spreading Emotions); Karma Yeshe (Congregation)
Congratulations to our artists!
Thank you to EVERYONE for submitting your work for this art competition. Missed this one? Stay tuned to the newsletter for updates on next year's competition. And in the meantime, keep creating!