I have been investigating the paranormal for closing in on 40 years. During that time, I have incorporated some of the most high-tech tools available in an attempt to collect evidence of ghosts or spirits — everything from FLIR and thermal cameras to recording studio microphones and even Geiger counters. Given my penchant for wanting to collect empirical data, I am inevitably asked where psychics fit into my investigations.
An essential ghost-hunter's tool
Before I answer that question, I should probably state for the record that I firmly believe that the most important piece of ghost-hunting equipment one can bring on an investigation is their own intuition. We've all experienced walking into a room and feeling… something, even those of us who don't necessarily consider themselves psychic. Intuition is an incredibly powerful tool to use on investigations, but one that appears to have taken a back seat to more high-tech electronic equipment. Which is why, since psychics have spent so much time taking their intuition to the nth level and opening themselves up to so much more of the unseen world, I try to work with them whenever possible and look at them as another investigative tool.

The work of a paranormal investigator
How I choose to incorporate psychics into my investigations is based on my somewhat controversial view of ghost-hunting equipment in general: I don't believe there is a single piece of equipment that holds all the answers. That's why I always incorporate various forms of equipment into each investigation, never taking the results of a single device as 'proof'. The same goes for psychics on my investigations; I look at their findings as being yet another piece of the puzzle. I need to look at all the pieces and see how they fit together.

Intuition vs. equipment
For example, if someone tells me they are picking up the energy of a spirit in the corner of, say, the living room, I will move various pieces of equipment that can detect environmental changes (temperature, air pressure, electromagnetic field detectors, etc.) into that area to see if they pick anything up. If they do, that information, coupled with the psychic's impressions, can help 'build the case' that there is something paranormal taking place. Even if the equipment doesn't pick anything up, that doesn't necessarily mean what the psychic is picking up on is wrong/incorrect. Rather, that perhaps I'm not using the right measurement/detection tools.
It's an ever-changing dance, to be sure. I believe that skewing the investigation too far in either direction - too high-tech or too intuition - can throw the investigation off, as well as creating the possibility that real evidence slips through or is ignored. That's why I'm constantly revising my investigation techniques and protocols in an effort to find a happy medium (see what I did there?).
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