Top tips for successful online learning at the College

Some online guidelines and Zoom etiquette tips to assist you in getting the best out of your online experience with us.

By: The College of Psychic Studies.   Posted

Ready to embark upon an online adventure with The College of Psychic Studies? Here are some guidelines that will assist you in getting the best out of your online experience.

What you need...

You will need a computer with a webcam and microphone and a good internet connection. Please ensure your video and microphone are working before you start. Many of our events are interactive, and you will need to be able to speak to your fellow participants and tutor. Allow yourself plenty of time before the event to download and sign up to Zoom for free from the Zoom website. Take this opportunity to explore and get comfortable with using Zoom. Familiarise yourself with how to turn the volume up or down and how to switch between Gallery View and Speaker View. Get to know how to mute and unmute the audio and video. Please ensure your video and microphone are working before you start. Many of our events are interactive, and you will need to be able to speak to your fellow participants and tutor.

How to access your online event

Click on the Zoom invitation link in your confirmation email to access the course. You can click the invitation link at any time before the event is scheduled to start. It will not affect your admittance on the day. Every workshop and event will have its own unique invitation link. If your event is a course with classes over a number of weeks, you can use this link to access every class.

On clicking the link to your event, you will be held in a virtual Waiting Room until your Tutor admits you. You can still be admitted once the event is in progress. If you are late, you will be held in the virtual Waiting Room until your Tutor admits you. No late admittance after 10 minutes from the start time of your class/workshop/webinar.

Be aware of what's behind you

Remember, your Tutor and fellow participants can see what is going on around you, so situate yourself in a place that is private and where you are least likely to be disturbed.


Take a few minutes before class to get into the moment. Make sure you have a little distance between your class and any previous activities. Try to get to the class a few minutes before the start this ensures that your class experience is as smooth as possible.

Be ready

Have your writing materials and anything else you need on your table ready to go. If you have been provided with any handouts for the class, have them ready. Make sure you are hydrated! Have water available but please avoid alcohol and eating at your desk. Although you are in your own environment, it is still a classroom.

Turn off distractions

Ensure that you will not be distracted. Switch off the TV and refrain from taking calls when in class. Getting the most out of your session requires commitment and concentration. Time goes very rapidly in an online class. Distractions take away from the optimum result and can be very disconcerting for other students.

Be patient and courteous

Some class members may be shy or perhaps less comfortable with technology. Please be patient. Give others time to speak. The emphasis will be on creating a safe and comfortable place for all. We have ensured that our Zoom security settings are watertight, so only booked participants are able to enter a Zoom event.


Please do not record the class or event, unless it is strictly for your personal use only and you have received permission from your Tutor. One of the unique aspects of the College's online courses is that they are highly interactive. Participants are encouraged to discuss and share with the tutor and the group. These sharings can be very personal, and some may not feel comfortable with them being recorded. For this reason, we do not always record our classes. There are a few exceptions, in which case you will receive links to the recordings in your Account Home page.

Get involved

What you get out of the course will depend on what you put in. Do take part in any discussion, enjoy the exercises and assist your classmates along the way. Essentially you are on a journey together. Remember that working remotely does not limit spirit communication or spiritual inspiration, the field of resonance is still just as accessible so it is important not to limit yourself.

Do offer feedback as you go along. Your insights are appreciated and will be useful in creating more brilliant online courses in the future. We hope you enjoy the experience!

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