Many think of angels as being ethereal, supernatural beings of light. However, there is an angel who is believed to have lived a human life on earth. Although not widely known, this musical angel has the ability to hear our prayers and desires and to echo them through the vastness of the universe to be heard and received by the Divine. This angel is Archangel Sandalphon.
Sandalphon & Metatron
Sandalphon means 'co-brother', and this refers to the status as the spiritual brother of Archangel Metatron. The ending of 'on' in Sandalphon's name indicates that he ascended to his position as an angel after first having lived a human life. Many believe Sandalphon to be the prophet Elijah, whilst Metatron was believed to be the profit Enoch.
A deliverer of prayers
Both Archangels Sandalphon and Metatron create a partnership of celestial devotion. Sandalphon governs the transmission of electrical energy coming from earth and connects it with the matrix of cosmic energy governed by Metatron. Thus, Sandalphon helps to amplify and transmit the heart and mind fields from those of us on the Earth to the Divine. This is why Sandalphon is known as the angel who takes our prayers to heaven.
Sandalphon, Archangel of Music
It was Shakespeare who wrote, "If music be the food of love, play on," and I wouldn't be at all surprised if the inspiration for this lyrical idea came from the Archangel Sandalphon.
We all understand the power and importance of music to move, uplift, soothe and motivate us. The creation myths of the world reveal to us that sound is the centre of creation. Music has the power to influence our emotions, our feelings, our mood and to uplift and transport us to many different states of being. Different chords, cadences, and other musical components form patterns that we associate with various emotions. We don't just hear music and sound, we sense it, we feel it, we resonate with it and we infuse and embody it. This is how Archangel Sandalphon communicates to us.
A connection with Archangel Sandalphon encourages us to sing and to listen, to tune in to the sounds of nature, the sounds of our heart and the sound of our souls.
Tuning in with Archangel Sandalphon
When asked, Archangel Sandalphon responds to our requests, desires and prayers and encourages us to tune in to the truth of the heart, our signature soul note through meditation, reflection, nature, music and sound.
We each have a unique signature note, the song of the soul, which encapsulates the frequency of our mind, body and spirit. This note contributes to the connectivity and harmony of being, the oneness of creation and the healing powers within it.
In the stillness and quiet of mindful reflection or when engaging with pursuits we love, through art, music, poetry, sound, colour and nature, we are able to harmonise our heart and crown centres. In these moments, we can open to higher dimensions of love, guidance, peace and healing. The cosmos is waiting to respond… are you aware of your thoughts and words, you sounds and echos… what are you transmitting into the cosmos?
Archangel Sandalphon helps us to bring balanced accord. They help us to create balance in our life experience of the material and spiritual. Archangel Sandalphon is whispering; but are you listening?
Meet Archangel Sandalphon in this workshop:

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