Connecting to Your Inner Voice: The Brow & Crown Chakras
Anna Parkinson
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
This in-person workshop focuses on the brow & crown chakras, initiating a relationship with your higher self.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
Working with the Guardians
Joan Osborne
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Meet your guardians, and discover how they can guide you through life's challenges, in this in-person workshop.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
Psychic Powers Unlocked: Remote Viewing into Hidden Realms
Ann Théato
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Discover how remote viewing can enhance your psychic faculties in this in-person workshop.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
A Demonstration of Mediumship
Jeremy Turner-Welch
In-Person Talks - Open to all
Join us for an enjoyable evening of mediumship communication with tutor & psychic medium, Jeremy Turner-Welch.
Members: £25.00
Non Members: £27.00 -
Harness the 'ABC's of Mediumship: Attune, Blend, Communicate
Jeremy Turner-Welch
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Become the best medium you can be in this two-day in-person workshop at The College of Psychic Studies.
Members: £210.00
Non Members: £250.00 -
Florence Farr & the Magical Imagination: A Dialogue of Vision
Sue Terry & Isabella Javor & Andrew Collins & Antonia Bond & Jacqui McIntosh & Caroline Wise
In-Person Events - Open to all
The 3rd Annual Florence Farr Conference celebrates this extraordinary visionary, dramatist, pioneer of women's rights, and leader of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Alchemy & Art
Kate Southworth
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Explore the relationship between spirit and soul, using a planchette to support your creative process, in this in-person workshop with artist Kate Southworth.
Members: £80.00
Non Members: £100.00 -
Akashic Records for Alchemy Transformation
Vicky Sweetlove
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
Open your Akashic Records for insights, guidance and transformation in this 4-weekend in-person workshop.
Cord Cutting
Giancarlo Serra
In-Person Workshops - Foundation
This in-person foundation-level workshop explores the circumstances that can lead to cords - energetic connections - with other people, animals and objects.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
Trance Mediumship: First Steps
Sarah Tyler-Walters
In-Person Workshops - Beginner
Sarah Tyler-Walters invites you to experience the extraordinary practice of trance mediumship in this in-person introductory workshop at the College.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
The Way of the Ankh
Pixie P Carney
In-Person Workshops - Open to all
This in-person ceremony initiates you into the wisdom of the ankh, Ancient Egyptian key of life, to establish you in your power and truth.
Members: £105.00
Non Members: £125.00 -
The Magical Qabalah
Julian Vayne
Online Workshops - Open to all
Learn how to navigate the Tree of Life and adapt it to your own experiences in this 2-part livestream workshop.
Members: £70.00
Non Members: £90.00