How to begin the New Year on a bright note

Just a date in the Gregorian calendar? Or a precious opportunity to set sail into a new cycle of joy and prosperity. We list 6 tips on how to begin the new year on the best note this January...

By: The College of Psychic Studies.   Posted

Happy New Year! While the start of a new year may be 'just' a date in the Gregorian calendar, it is such a special time for those who choose to observe it. We have just completed a full year cycle around the sun, with all eight Sabbats and all four seasons. We have emerged from another year of self-enquiry, learning and growth, hopefully with greater wisdom, deeper insight and a more compassionate heart. And now we embark upon that 12-month journey once more, to learn more lessons and take more steps towards our truth. With this in mind, we consider how to begin the New Year in the best possible way.

Reflect on lessons learnt

For those in the Northern Hemisphere, we begin the new year in the heart of winter. This is a season of introspection. During these cold, quiet months, we tend to hibernate. Use this sacred time in January to reflect on the past year cycle. Celebrate your accomplishments, acknowledge the challenges, and consider the lessons learned. This reflection can provide clarity and direction for the year ahead, so January really is a time to take stock, re-evaluate and consider your direction going forward.

Set your intentions

Having reflected on all that you have learned in the coming year, it's time to reexamine your goals. What we wished for at the start of the previous year may not hold so much appeal to us now. After all, we may have learned lessons that have changed our direction - and that's perfect. It's all part of 'growing up'! Take time in January to re-evaluate your hopes and dreams. Get clear on them, write them down, and outline what you want to achieve or experience in the coming year. Be realistic and specific with your goal-setting and break bigger goals down into smaller, achievable steps to tackle in the coming 12 months.

An attitude of gratitude 

The best way to begin a new year is on a note of gratitude. While we all have hopes and dreams of what we wish to bring to the world, let's not forget what we already have. Gratitude is such an important ingredient in January - this beautiful energy still flows from the generous spirit of Yule. Set an intention that every day in January, you'll make a list of 10 things that you are grateful for. It could be a simple thing, such as your pet or your safe home, or a bigger thing, such as the opportunity and means to walk this path of self-development. The energy of gratitude is powerful, and your gratitude brings more of that positive energy into your life. 

All the good stuff

Let's begin the new year as we mean to go on; feeling light, uplifted and positive. Make January a month that's dedicated to all that brings you joy. Surround yourself with positivity. Spend time with your favourite people. Engage in activities that make you happy. Consider a social media detox - focus purely on the good stuff. More importantly, focus on you - on things that nourish and support you to create a life you love.

Make it a 'Self-Care January'

As we begin a new year, prioritise your self-care. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. This might involve drawing, meditation, healthy eating, jigsaw puzzling; anything that helps you recharge before embarking upon another cycle around the sun. Look after you, with the intention that the joy and contentment you cultivate this January will continue through the coming year. You may also want to commit to a daily practice for the remainder of January, whether that's your gratitude journal, or a morning walk or yoga practice, or a daily fresh juice.

Commit to your self-development 

Never stop learning! The best way that we can make the world a better place is by committing to our self-development, to continue learning, continue growing. At the beginning of this new year, commit to your personal growth. Whether it's a course at The College of Psychic Studies, a sacred pilgrimage, or a commitment to self-study, make this a year in which you learn something new about yourself. 

So yes, the beginning of the new year is merely a date on the Gregorian calendar, but for those who choose to see its greater meaning, it holds a sweet promise. May you experience the abundant fruits of that promise in this next cycle around the sun!

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