Madron: Retreat within for deep healing and inner work

At Madron (Autumn Equinox) we give thanks to Mother Earth for her bounty, and we prepare to go within for healing. Here, Sarah Jane Dennis shares how we can celebrate...

By: Sarah Jane Dennis.   Posted

As the wheel turns again, we now enter the second harvest of the fruits and berries that have been ripening. This is the season of Madron, the name of the Earth Mother Goddess. This festival is also known as Mabon or Alban Elfed ('the light of the water') in the Druid communities. The Autumn Equinox sits midway between the summer and winter solstices. It is situated in the west where the sun sets, directly opposite Ostara or Spring Equinox in the east where the sun rises.

Celebrated on 21/22 September, Madron is when light and dark are again both equal. From this point on, the days will quickly draw in. The darker half of the year is now upon us. The fields are harvested of their produce and will lay fallow. By harvesting and sorting through our own bounty, we are preparing - physically and spiritually - for the winter months. Making jams, chutneys and yummy puddings with berries and apples, clearing out our homes of what we no longer need, putting away our summer clothes, reflecting on the journey the year has taken us on – our ups and downs, challenges we have overcome  and being grateful for all we have learned and have healed (or have started to heal) along the way. The final sheaf of harvested corn would now be made into the corn dolly.

How to celebrate Madron

I really love this time of year; the beautiful colours of the leaves, the root vegetables that are available to eat, the smells of the earth in the woods. Some way to celebrate this time of year and things I love to do are: 

  • Go for a walk in nature 
  • Select treasures that represent Madron, such as conkers, acorns, apples, blackberries etc
  • Weave these into a headdress 
  • Create an altar and dedicate it to Goddess Banba or Mother Nature
  • Light a candle 
  • Make a crystal mandala including some leaves and berries
  • Get together with friend to celebrate the Goddess and all she has given us

Meet the Earth Mother Goddess

She who is Mother Earth, Gaia, Banba, Brigantia, Ertha, the Earth Mother Goddess; Queen of her realm, Mother of the crystals that gestate and grow in her womb, who, when called on, helps to ground us in our body and in the here and now. When we are grounded into the earth, we are able to reach the higher realms. She provides us with nourishment, security, and the power to manifestation all things. She is the elements of life itself. All abundant, freely giving of herself, her body and the life she produces. 

Healing the self and Earth at Madron

Earth Mother Goddess gifts us with fruits, vegetables, grain herbs, waters and the beautiful crystals created deep within her womb. We can use these gifts to reawaken our connection to the earth spirits, and Goddess herself. In doing so, we work on healing ourselves and, in turn, help to heal her. 

It is also a time to think about what we can do to reduce our waste and carbon footprint. Some ideas are as simple as going plastic free, using our own recycled glass containers for food and drinks, switching to a green energy supplier, shopping locally instead of in big chain supermarkets, or having meat-free days. 

We are told there is not enough to go around, when in fact Mother Earth provides us with everything we will ever need, in plentiful abundance. She who birthed us, feeds, nurtures us, grounds, and sustains us. 

Thank you Mother Earth. Blessed be. Happy Madron to one and all. 

Much love and blessings, Sarah Jane Dennis 

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