Your surroundings, whether at home or in the office, have a deep and profound impact on your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

This workshop will help you to re-energise and transform your space. You will learn how to lay out, on your own personal floor plan, the Feng Shui bagua, which is a grid depicting the nine different life areas of your home or work environment.

You will be shown the meaning of each life area and how the five elements work when deciding colour schemes for your space. You will be able to bring balance with yin and yang energies, know about the yearly Feng Shui recommendations for each life area, how geopathic stress earth energies can affect the energy of your home and workspace and what you can do about it.

You will also learn how to find your best direction to sit, sleep and work - if your life has not been going the way it should maybe you are not sleeping in the direction which is best for you.

Learn how the artwork and pictures in your space have an effect on your life and go away with answers and enhancements to improve your health, abundance, relationships and energy.

This workshop is taking place in-person at our college in London

You can find the address and travel directions on our contact page - we'll also include all the information in your enrolment email.

About Vicky Sweetlove

Image of course leader Vicky Sweetlove Vicky Sweetlove offers Akashic Record one-to-one consultation readings at the College. She also runs occasional courses at the College to introduce dowsing for health and earth energies.
Read more about Vicky

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