Our 2022 art competition is open for submissions - and it's free to enter! We invite you to delve into the world of your dreams and visions for our Inspiration from Dreams & Visions art competition.
We all dream and we can all be creative so we hope you take up this opportunity to become the dreamers and visionaries that we know you are. We can't wait for you to share some of those dreams and visions with us in our 2022 art competition.
Here's some inspiration from our previous art competition winners:

How to submit your artwork
This art competition is free to enter. Closing date for submissions is midnight on 11 November 2022.
Submissions are to be emailed as a good quality jpg (maximum three separate artworks for each entrant) to vivienne@collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk.
Please include the following information:
- contact name and email address
- image jpeg
- title of artwork
- date of the artwork
- media (i.e. oil on canvas, embroidery etc.)
- dimensions
- a few sentences (up to 200 words) about each artwork.
- please state if you are happy for your work to be shared on social media. We will regularly feature submitted works before the art competition closes on 11th November 2022. Please let us know your social media handles so we can tag you.
The judges
- Henry Boxer (Henry Boxer Gallery)
- Jennifer Gilbert (Jennifer Lauren Gallery)
- Gill Matini (College Principal)
- Vivienne Roberts (College Curator).
A shortlist of 40 artworks will be selected, from which a winner and four judge's choices will be selected.
The winner
A winner from the Inspiration from Dreams & Visions Art Competition 2022 will be announced on our website, in the College Newsletter and on our social media platforms on Friday 2 December 2022.
The winner will be awarded:
- A College voucher for £250
- A luxury hamper of College goodies including crystals, tarot cards, books, incense, candles and room mists.
- As the winner, you will be invited to donate an artwork to our wonderful permanent art collection and join the esteemed company of previous winners Emma Schultz and Cara Macwilliam, as well as artists such Georgiana Houghton and Anna Mary Howitt who helped establish the College in 1884.
The virtual exhibition
A virtual exhibition showing the winner, judge's choices and shortlisted works will be presented on the College's website and on YouTube in December 2022. See our previous winners and enjoy our virtual exhibitions here: Inspiration from the Invisible 2021 and here: Inspiration from Isolation 2020.
Need inspiration?
Check out artworks by fellow dreamers and visionaries by visiting the College's Creative Spirits exhibition until 10th December at The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, South Kensington, London SW7 2EB.
Closing date for submissions: midnight on 11th November 2022
Join our newsletter, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok for regular updates, reveals and announcements on our 2022 art competition.
Join our newsletter for updates on our art exhibition.
Register your interest
If you're interested in finding out more about this event, please register below and we'll be in touch with more information once available.