As we move into 2024, the Arcturians' ever-increasing frequency, activations and downloads continue to guide us on our ascension journey. Join starseed Carol Nayach to open yourself up to these new energies in this in-person workshop.

As our shadow side appears before us in its transformation back into the light, our inner child gradually returns to the light of love. We are able to return to oneness, our Christ-self. We find we have a burning desire to radiate our light out into the world and our beloved planet, creating ascension.

This in-person workshop will be a transformational day of receiving the energy transmissions of the Arcturians. Carol will facilitate a series of channelled meditations where the Arcturian energy transmissions will come through very powerfully. There will also be time for integration and discussion.

For all starseeds, lightworkers and those who feel the call of the Arcturians, book now to join Carol for this powerful in-person day of transformation and creation.


Previous participants say:

"I am grateful to Carol and to the college for this important event."

"Fantastic day, I learnt so much and would love to attend more of these sessions."

"I feel so grateful to Carol and the Arcturians for this amazing workshop. It brought so many changes and realisations. The group was amazing, such lovely energies from everyone. It was harmony and love all over the place."

"It was the most beautiful experience that cannot be described with words! A Big Thank You to Carol and Arcturians!"


This workshop is taking place in-person at our college in London

You can find the address and travel directions on our contact page - we'll also include all the information in your enrolment email.

About Carol Nayach

Image of course leader Carol Nayach Carol Nayach discovered that she is an Arcturian starseed. She has been working diligently with them, as well as other ascended beings, ever since, channelling their multidimensional energies.
Read more about Carol

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If you're interested in finding out more about this workshop, please register below and we'll be in touch with more information once available.
